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Learn, Create, Achieve Together
class: grid-box-middle
Highlights From The Hill
Welcome to Elmwood Elementary School, please take a moment to learn more about our school by reading some of the included stories in this section.
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Art Class
Students have an opportunity exploring a variety of art stations
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Library Collaboration
Students utilize iPads to review
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Local Weather Forecast
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Art Class Elmwood
Students get instruction from Elmwood Art teacher, Bonnie Gaus
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Science Lab
Students work to extract bones from a piece of clay
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Summer Garden
A little greenery to cheer up Elmwood school
Class: grid-box-video
Kenya Day
Class: grid-box-video
Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2019
Facts & Figures
The Year Elmwood Was Built
# of Grade 2 & 3 Classrooms
# of Students in Grades 2 & 3
The Year Wee Deliver Started
Staff Members